Home How to Lucid Dream

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Learn to Lucid Dream!

What is lucid dreaming?

Lucid dreaming means you are aware that you're dreaming while your physical body sleeps. Lucidity does not define your vividness or control over dreams, but allows you to be more present and in control of your dreams. Being aware that you're dreaming allows you to make conscious decisions about your dreams, which you wouldn't otherwise know to make in dreams that you mistake for your waking reality.

By being present and lucid (aware) in your dreams, your dreams can take on a life of their own, feeling just as vivid and realistic as your waking life. By using conscious dream control, you can change settings, scenarios, characters, plots, and all other aspects of your dream life! You can teleport, fly, turn into a dragon, meet fictional characters, and anything else you choose.

Your dreams can be one-off adventures each night, or you can choose to connect your dreams so that each dream continues from the last. Just like how you wake up every morning to continue your day, dreams can also be continued each night.

Some dreamers are naturally gifted with lucidity while others can train themselves to be lucid just like a natural. Training for non-naturals can result in effortless nightly lucid dreams. This website is tailored towards training lucid dreaming not just as a one-time occurance, but as a permanent lifelong and automatic ability. It may also be useful to natural lucid dreamers looking to increase frequency or dream control.

All Guides

This list contains all guides on the LD Guides websites.

All Night Lucidity
Dream Control
Mneumonic Induced Lucid Dreaming
Persistent Realms
Reality Checks
Wake Initiated Lucid Dreaming

Quick Start Guide

Broken Down Into 2-3 Steps

Getting started quickly can be broken down into 2-3 steps:

Purple step 1 icon.
Read the dream recall guide here and start practicing dream recall. It's important that you start learning to recall your dreams, especially if you currently don't experience having dreams—this is commonly a result of poor recall and can be resolved within a few weeks of recall practice.

Purple step 2 icon.
Choose a lucid dreaming technique and start practicing your chosen technique alongside dream recall. It's recommended that you pick one technique that personally interests you and stick with it for at least a few weeks. If you're not sure which technique to choose, MILD is an excellent one.

Purple step 3 icon.
Check out the dream control basics guide. This isn't required, but can give you a better understanding of how dream formation works so that you can be more more effective at dream control.