Home How to Lucid Dream

Lucid Dreaming Techniques

What are They?

Note: It's recommended that you read the guide on dream recall before beginning to use lucid dreaming techniques so that you'll know how to practice recall alongside your technique of choice. Most dreamers have a significantly higher rate of success when dream recall is practiced alongside lucid dreaming techniques.

Lucid dreaming techniques are ways of initiating lucid dreams. They can be broken down into two separate categories:

DILD - Dream Initiated Lucid Dreaming refers to techniques that cause lucid dreams from the dream state.

WILD - Wake Initiated Lucid Dreaming happens when a transition is made from waking state to lucid dream.

It's recommended that you choose one technique (from either of these categories) and stick with it consistently for 2-4+ weeks alongside recall practice. Combining recall with a technique (and staying committed for enough time) yields powerful results, and can spare you from wasted time jumping around.

What is the best technique?

It's hard ti say what lucid dreaming technique is objectively the best. They tend to work differently, and it comes down to personal preference. No matter what kind of technique you use, the resulting lucid dreams are the same. No technique will give you more or less vivid dreams, more or less dream control, or better or worse lucid dreams in general. Lucid dreams all have equal potential once you're in them, so techniques are just different paths to the same outcome.

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